Day One in Europe
With this project, we’re not letting language be a barrier for children to feel included. We are showing ways to communicate through music, food, writing and play and allowing children to showcase their own culture and who they are.
Language box
As shown in with other boxes, language is not just the current language spoken in the current community of the child. Language in one child’s life is consisted of the child’s native language and all the other languages the child is exposed to, including the native languages of the peers.

A Day One Music Story in France
As part of the music box, we decided to highlight the pupils’ mother tongues. Whether or not they are native speakers, many of them speak

Unité Pédagogique pour Élèves Allophones Primo-Arrivants class
“When you eat, you talk a lot and you can tell a lot of stories. Cooking is one way of saying where you come from,

How can we improve the inclusion of allophone children?
European project “Day 1 in Europe” had an important chapter that took place in Bègles (near Bordeaux) France, from April the 6th to the 8th.