Playing Box

Play Box development is carried out by our partner Synkoino. This cooperative is led by artists, pedagogues and researchers of high level who have proposed research work (thesis) in the fields of art and pedagogy.

Expert Members

The members of this cooperative are active in the performing, visual / puppet arts, in pedagogy in schools, refugee camps and are actively involved in the Greek creative industries sector, with activities such as:

  • the international puppet festival
  • pedagogy in schools, refugee camps and are actively involved in the Greek creative industries sector.

The members of this team have the experience of developing pedagogical tools based on the research carried out by these teacher-researchers and the tools developed by the great director Augusto Boal who proposed for the whole world ‘Games for actors and non-actors’ which gave birth to the famous Theatre of the Oppressed and in particular the practice of forum theater which is based on the convictions that:

  • theater can and must be a tool to change the world,
  • the human being possesses the language of theater.
Day One in Europe

Group Integration

The Play Box will utilize optimal ways of integrating the child into a group

Encouraging play

Encouraging play through creation of pairs or small groups

Formation planning

Planning the stages of formation of the pair or small group

Problem Management

Management of the problems as a group

Skill Development

Developing the child’s skills according to their know-how and behavioural knowledge

Workshop Model Construction

Construction of workshop models based on the experiences and testimonies collected

Rich Media

The material will be a combination of narrative, pictorial, audio-visual and peer learning case studies, internet links, etc.

Some Basic

Day one in europe


We follow the intercultural model of managing diversity

Cultural Interaction

We promote interaction and cultural exchange between cultural & social groups and between individuals

Cultural Recognition

We believe in mutual recognition and respect for different cultural codes

Anti-Racist Education

We promote an anti-racist multicultural education based on Banks’ “social action approach”, which respects cultural diversity, builds on students’ unique culture, language and experiences and enables students to acquire the information, skills and values needed to challenge inequality within their communities

Day One in Europe diversity

Heritage Education

We promote heritage education as a teaching process that allows people to discuss and learn about their heritage. Recognition of, respect for and enhancement of tangible and intangible cultural heritage through educational projects, constitutes an important means in order to promote social integration and empowerment of minorities, intercultural dialogue and multilingual education


We promote education through the arts, more specifically through drama and theatre, through play, based on personal and group experience

Day One in Europe art

4 theoretical articles written by Syncoinocoop

European Erasmus+ Project “Day one in Europe”

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Applied Theatre / Drama

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Social Theatre

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Theatre in Education

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