Language Box

Allophone (?) children will not only be motivated to learn the new language but they will also be empowered to value their native language and use it as a communication tool to promote the benefits of cultural and linguistic richness. With this purpose in mind, and following the work of all other boxes, Momentum is developing an innovative set of learning resources, that offer competencies to promote languages.


This course will be accompanied by a recommendation booklet highlighting good practices and presenting languages as resource tools for the social inclusion of allophone (?) children aged 6-11.

Target Audience

The target audiences are teachers and educators working in schools with allophone (?) migrant or refugee children, families, social partners.

Digital education resources

This set of open education resources holds a strong digital aspect to it. The number of adult educators teaching using digital tools is to increase due to Language Box, as well as the variety of tools used and the degree to which their capabilities are exploited.

Adult educators have the opportunity to experience increased confidence in the integration of digital tools into education.

Day One in Europe Project Inclusion Methods

Here are videos that explain the DAY ONE IN EUROPE Project Inclusion Methods for Teachers and School staff:

Group Dynamics

Non-verbal communication

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For six months, the children at Ecole fondamentale annexée à l’Athénée Royal in Brussels, created a digital book about all the workshops that were carried out.
They wrote, inserted images and communicated with the community including their parents on everything they had done. Thanks to these books, the children expressed themselves and their different emotions.

2 anthropological articles of Yassir (fr)

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Social Theatre

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Theatre in Education

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