
Evaluative Look

Language Box You will find here three evaluation notes written by Marine Pisani, independent sociologist, at different moments of the DAY 1 in Europe project. Together with the whole partnership, we wanted to bring an external view on the implementation of the project as well as on the different activities programmed during these three years. […]

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Mother Tongues

Mother Tongues Mother Tongues is a social enterprise working on multilingualism and intercultural dialogue. Based in Ireland, they believe in empowering children and parents through their mother tongue. They want to empower children through their creativity and art to feel confident in their linguistic and cultural identity. They have a few programmes which they run

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Guess Who?

Language Box NAME OF THE ACTIVITY / METHOD Guess Who? CATEGORIES Learning, inclusion GOALS AND BENEFITS The goal is to describe oneself using individual words: it is therefore, first, to reflect on oneself to look for the characteristics that distinguish us and then to insert the words within one’s name. Getting the child used to

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Guess My Name

Language Box NAME OF THE ACTIVITY / METHOD Guess My Name CATEGORIES inclusion, wellbeing GOALS AND BENEFITS The goal is to get the class to work cooperatively by creating something material and concrete, to learn how to express their own ideas and accept those of others, and to learn how to work without creating confusion.

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My Map, Your Map

Language Box NAME OF THE ACTIVITY / METHOD My Map, Your Map CATEGORIES Inclusion, Play, Wellbeing GOALS AND BENEFITS Children learn the route to take to school by engaging in a map of their route. They use their imagination to draw their walk from home to school.  RATED BY CHILDREN  4/5 RATED BY PARENTS

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